最難関私立で使われているCROWN PLUSですが、その高い難易度に苦労されている方も多いと思います。確かに、今まで見てきたどの教科書よりも難しく、Level3とLevel4にいたっては、もはや難関大学レベルの内容となっております。自塾で作成しているオリジナルプリント(一部)を掲載いたしました。CROWN PLUSで苦しんでいる方がいたら是非、当塾までご連絡ください。

CLOWN PLUS Level 3 Lesson12  Part1(一部)



1. Her mistress, a wealthy Roman lady who lived in a grand villa on the outskirts of Pompeii,(of, that, on, to, had, the other side, an urgent message, she, the city, ordered, go).


2. (the local people, of, an, follow, that, effort, to, He, the customs, make, suggested, everyone).


3. The people of Pompeii(they, the earthquake, was, a command, way, telling, no, of, that, that, depart, had, from the gods).



1. (dose, loving, opera, she , as), she naturally tried to get a ticket.


2. Knowing a lot about him (    )(    )(    ), I understand how he feels about his failure to win the contest.

「彼のことは大変よく分かっているので、(                      )についてどのように思っているか理解できる。」

3. She looked up at Mt. Vesuvius, looming as it always did over the town.

「彼女はヴェスーヴィアス山を見上げたが、(                   )。」


1. He carries himself as if he were somebody worth caring about.

「(                                      )。」

2. Then it seemed as if she were fighting her way through a whirling snowstorm.

「その時、彼女はまるで吹きすさぶ吹雪(                       )ように見えた。」

3. (                                        ). 

「彼女はまるで幽霊[a ghost]を見たかのようだった。」


1. They are carrying the chairs out into the hallway.

=(                                         ).


2. We are slowly repairing the damage from the earthquake.

=(                                        ).


3. Seventeen years later, when the volcano erupted, some building were still being repaired.

「17年後、(                )、いくつかの建物はまだ修理されていた。」

4. His teacher, Mr. Robertson, had not noticed that Ryan was being bullied by his classmates.

「彼の先生であるロバートソン先生は(                      )。」


1. (    )(    )(    ), he discovered an eerie cast of a dead human body!.


2. (    )(    )(    ), the actor I like appeared only for a couple of minutes in the movie.

「(                               )、がっかりした。」

3. (    )(    )(    ), the police arrived within minutes.



1. (                                       ).


2. With the volcano’s poisonous fumes burning her lungs and eyes, the girl did the only thing she cloud.

「(                                      )。」

3. With my dad gone, things changed so much that the family decided to move to Boston.

「(                                      )。」




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